
What if you could easily identify your roadblocks and how to overcome them?

Soon you can. Learn the steps to becoming the woman you dream of at How to Design Yourself, and begin a journey of major breakthroughs.

How to break free from frustration and being stuck. How to move from envy towards others, into admiration and application. How to neurologically wire your brain to redesign yourself. It's all laid out step-by-step in our next live workshop.

Whether you are new to The Woman School, or have journeyed with us from the beginning, this live workshop will help you become a masterful woman in designing every area of your life.

Join us for the live workshop today!

How to Design Yourself Workshop
Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 8:30 PM EASTERN

What if you could easily identify your roadblocks and how to overcome them?

Soon you can. Learn the steps to becoming the woman you dream of at How to Design Yourself, and begin a journey of major breakthroughs.

How to break free from frustration and being stuck. How to move from envy towards others, into admiration and application. How to neurologically wire your brain to redesign yourself. It's all laid out step-by-step in our next live workshop.

Whether you are new to The Woman School, or have journeyed with us from the beginning, this live workshop will help you become a masterful woman in designing every area of your life.

Join us for the live workshop today!

How to Design Yourself Workshop
Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 8:30 PM EASTERN

Does the idea of designing yourself sound foreign and intimidating?

Are you tired of reading books and listening to podcasts with brilliant theories, but no practical training and sustainable transformation?

Have you been seeking a complementary Skills-Focused Track to the Art of Being a Woman Masterclass to continue applying and refining your skills?

The How to Design Yourself Workshop will provide you with key frameworks covered in the first lesson of The Woman School's second Signature Course: Skill School.
Get the first peek into the course LIVE!

Join January Donovan as she provides the exact breakdown she uses to identify roadblocks and master skills so you can run towards designing the woman you want to become.

January Donovan

January Donovan is the founder of The Woman School, and has trained thousands of women to live by design and not by default. She is fierce in helping women discover and achieve the desires of their heart.

“Women are told that only parts of us matter; we are conditioned to value achievement in one arena (usually success outside our homes) as though this was more important than other arenas. “ Her desire is that women live a more integrated lifestyle that leads to sustained generosity.

January’s vision is to rebuild culture, one woman’s worth at a time by healing women through wholeness.

I'm January Donovan,
Founder of The Woman School

I’m so excited to introduce the parallel track to the Art of Being a Woman Masterclass with you. The Skill School course is a highly requested complementary training that will help you refine the areas in your life needing most attention.

Whether you are new to The Woman School, or have journeyed with us from the beginning, this course will train you to become a masterful woman in designing every area of your life.

Overcome Your Greatest Roadblocks and Pursue your Dreams by Identifying your Mastering Skills

Skills open doors to possibilities

Lack of skill is the reason life becomes hard

Skills are critical to making important life decisions

Skills shape your present and future options

Skills allow your to think clearly and protect your peace of mind

Skills allow you to pursue your dreams and calling

Skills help you build meaningful connections

Skills prevent you from frustration, resentment, and self sabotage

Life without skills is an uphill battle.
Learn proven and practical methods to build your skill set.
Save your seat to our live How to Design Yourself Workshop today!

How to Design Yourself Workshop Thursday,

September 9, 2021 at 8:30 PM EASTERN

Save your seat by completing your details below