ABW STRATEGIST, The Woman School
- Catholic
- Wife, daughter, sister in Christ
- Mom of five
- Entrepreneur
- Passionate about Motherhood and Entrepreneurship
- Healthy lifestyle lover
Liliana Contreras is a catholic wife, mom of 5 kids, and an entrepreneur that always had on her heart the desire to help others.
As a single mom at 21 years old, she fought a lot of discrimination and emotional violence but always knew in her heart that “ With God all things are possible” Mt.19:26, even though nobody taught her that God loves her unconditionally. After many years of hard work and little sleep, she finally graduated from University, and then God gave her the opportunity for a new life in a new country: Canada.
After many years of living in Canada, her husband suffered an accident that makes her realized that she was totally lost and alone. However, God with all his Love and Mercy, showed her that she was not alone, restored her husband’s health and put some angels on their way to help her to go back to the Church, and started learning about the love of God for the first time on her live.
She has been volunteering at her Spanish Church for so many years helping in different roles: planning events around the year (Xmas play, Easter time, summer picnic, Annual Carnival, etc.), fundraising, Bookkeeping, monthly food sales, etc…always looking forward to help moms and kids to integrated and participate in Church activities.
Also, she has been very passionate about entrepreneurship since she was a child. She got her first job at six years old with her Grandmother in a street market, and also she was always selling something in the School (candies, pencils, stickers, etc.) so for nobody was a surprise that she decided to study Accounting and Administration in high School and then International Business in the University.
After almost 20 years of experience in very different industries (like Cosmetics, Bank, Transportation, Financial Services), she decided to follow her heart and open her own business to help moms to discover what is the perfect plan that God created for them and moreover, what are the gifts that God has given them and how to use them.
When I started The Woman’s School, I felt lost and with zero direction. I’ve tried many books, videos and podcasts, but I did not have a clear idea on how to apply them to my life, and this course gave me a lot of structure and guidance. It is impressive the way that the lessons are created and connected because each one is necessary for the next one, so you are really improving yourself with each class; of course, I did not note at the very beginning, but soon everything started making sense, and I started feeling better every time.
I gained new knowledge during the lessons, but one of the most important things that I learned was that God gave us this capacity to dream and make our dreams come true because he puts these desires in our hearts. Also, he gave us the necessary to work for it, but nobody has taught us how to use all the gifts he gave us. Furthermore, God created us as integral human beings; he wants us happy and prosperous in all the arenas of our lives, and the MasterClass is an efficient way to help us achieve this.
Today I have a lot of clarity about what I want and what I don’t want in my life; I feel like I found God’s call for me. Finally and after many years of asking myself what I want to do with my life, after a long time feeling like something is missing (even though I felt so blessed for my husband and kids), finally I found the passion that moves my heart is and I feel so alive again.
What’s the best part about being a Woman School Strategist and helping women?
For me, the best part of being a Strategist is that this allows me to share God practically. I’ve always believed that God is not only in the Church. He wants our happiness and fulfillment, so we have to bring him in every moment in our lives, and for me, this is the perfect way to teach and inspire moms to trust God, transform their lives and the lives they have around.
Why do you believe in this work?
Because I’ve seen the presence of God all around but also because it has changed my mindset and my life in so many ways; before, every time that I looked myself in the mirror, I was not sure who was there… sometimes the mom, sometimes the sister, the wife but it was like I could not see really myself because it was not clear for me who I was, now is clear, I know I have a lot to improve and learn. Still, I am so excited to share all my journey and this unique school with the world.
Learn more about the foundational program at the Woman School

January is doing such important work for women and especially our world! I love how she brings such calm and joy to her work. I really look up to her as a wife and mother and she has really challenged me and helped me grow in my own life.