ABW STRATEGIST, The Woman School
- Adventurer
- Daughter
- Sister
- Friend
- Mentor
Born and raised in the Mountains of Montana. Oldest sibling to three younger brothers and one younger sister, love, family, and hard work were core to values. Outdoor adventures were always part of her life. Surrounded by good family and friends, Amy graduated from Carroll College and began her journey in ministry.
Working for various ministries, Amy was eventually called to become a FOCUS missionary. Serving collegiate men and women in their journey to knowing the heart of the Lord in a greater love and depth. Amy returned home to work and be present with her family for the past few years. In that journey, she continually felt called to serve women and help them on their journey to a life of fullness. There was a longing in her own heart for something more, she knew she could not stay where she was and grow to be the woman she has been called to be. When the Women’s School was shared with her, she knew this was where God had been leading her to serve. Through her own journey with the Women’s School she has seen the skills and tools she needed and desired for her own life come alive in applicable context. The Women’s School has opened doors in her heart and life, and now Amy is on a mission to share The Women’s school with other women in any stage of life who want to know the greater desires of their heart, re-discover their dreams, and use the tools and skills needed to make those dreams come alive.
The ABW MasterClass is changing my life. I can already see that in learning the skills, using the language and understanding my worth is bringing more confidence in conversation, stating and respecting my boundaries without feeling guilty, inspiring me to dream and delve into what and who God has created me to be. In living out these beliefs, I am experiencing and growing in new ways that is not only bringing healing and wholeness, but freedom!
The ABW MasterClass is changing my life. I can already see that in learning the skills, using the language and understanding my worth is bringing more confidence in conversation, stating and respecting my boundaries without feeling guilty, inspiring me to dream and delve into what and who God has created me to be. In living out these beliefs, I am experiencing and growing in new ways that is not only bringing healing and wholeness, but freedom!
What’s the best part about being a Woman School Strategist and helping women?
The best part about being a Woman School Strategist is being privileged to witness first hand the transformation taking place in and through each woman. It is an incredible honor to walk and accompany the brave woman willing to face and encounter her trials and challenges to become all that she can be.
What’s the best part about being a Woman School Strategist and helping women?
The best part about being a Woman School Strategist is being privileged to witness first hand the transformation taking place in and through each woman. It is an incredible honor to walk and accompany the brave woman willing to face and encounter her trials and challenges to become all that she can be.
Why do you believe in this work?
I believe in this work because it is so needed! And it works! I have been in nursing classes, EMT classes and trainings, I have attended counseling sessions. I have personally tried to grow and develop on my own. There was always something missing. The information I learned was incredibly valuable, but I felt like there had to be more. To go to the root and in finding the root, and experiencing healing that would unlock a door that had never been seen before and bring a new clarity of vision, mission and direction that are life changing.
Why do you believe in this work?
I believe in this work because I have not only seen a transformation in my life, but in others as well! About a year ago, I began going to counseling to work through some of my past. I did a little research about what type of counseling I thought would be most beneficial for my challenges and met a wonderful counselor. After a while, it became clear that the counseling was helping with my past and I was experiencing healing. The next season that I began to enter was – “Now what?” “Now, that I have worked through and have gained skills in encountering these hurts, how does this shape and change me and where do I go from here?” Many times as I began to try and dream, to start to think outside of the box of my current reality – I was assailed with doubts and reminders of how my dreams had not worked out in the past. I needed vision. I needed tools. I needed someone to accompany me. About this time, I was introduced to the Woman School through a dear friend, Angela. I knew this is what I had been searching for. It wasn’t until I began this adventure to wholeness with the Woman School that I realized I needed so much more! I am receiving so much more through this Masterclass. Through January’s teachings, I have grown in self knowledge of assessing were I have been, where I currently am and what I need to move towards wholeness. I am so grateful for this gift of hope and transformation.
I believe in this work because it is so needed! And it works! I have been in nursing classes, EMT classes and trainings, I have attended counseling sessions. I have personally tried to grow and develop on my own. There was always something missing. The information I learned was incredibly valuable, but I felt like there had to be more. To go to the root and in finding the root, and experiencing healing that would unlock a door that had never been seen before and bring a new clarity of vision, mission and direction that are life changing.
Learn more about the foundational program at the Woman School

I have had anxiety for years jumping from one therapy to another but after one month into the program, I can see the radical transformation in my life already. I learned so much in the first month of training than I did in the last several years. I feel like we have been so deprived of practical skills that makes our life harder than it should. This masterclass is truly an answered prayer.