
Learn to Live by Design, not by Default

You were not created to just get by and survive. You were designed for a beautiful life of peace and abundance, but no one showed you how. The world expected you to live a life of perfection without preparation, no wonder life is hard. So often, women are blamed and shamed for the choices they were never taught to make. It is time for you to redesign a beautiful life of meaning and contribution, we will show you how.

Motherhood is not the death of dreams rather the expansion. You don’t want to look at your children’s eyes and say, “You are the reason I gave up on my dreams, but go follow your dreams”. The byproduct of mothers dreaming is hope, no wonder so many of us feel stuck as though we no longer matter. You don’t want to wake up one day and doubt who you have become. Motherhood is not an exchange of life because you can’t give life you do not have. Discover the most vital tools every mother needs to give from a place of abundance and depletion, defy the odds and show the world that motherhood is meant to be life-giving, we will show you how.

The sad truth is that there is a blatant attack on our daughter’s worthiness. Young women today are faced with the dilemma of self doubt, having to prove themselves, please the world and be forced into a life of perfection for a chance of feeling accepted. If you do not equip her with a resilient mindset and the skills she needs to protect her value, then you give the culture permission to rob her life’s call. It is our duty to protect our children and the only sure way we can protect them is to prepare them to rise against the false expectations that are costing women a life of anxiety and depression. Learn how you can help her design her self image and give her the tools she needs to live a life of meaning and contribution.

No one wants to sign up for a mediocre relationship if they knew how to have something amazing, the question is...how? How do you create an inspiring relationship that gets better with each year? How do you design a beautiful life together that allows you to fulfill your unique dreams without growing apart? You can’t change him but you can inspire him to want to be a better man. Discover how to strategically inspire your man and design a relationship that makes you more attractive to him. Learn the mindset and the skills necessary for a woman to cultivate a relationship that gets better with each moment.

Are you single, stuck and frustrated? Why is dating so much harder today? Isn’t it ironic that being single gives you a lot of freedom and yet, you feel stuck? It is supposed to be the best time of your life and yet the fears are mentally exhausting. Where do you go to deal with your ‘real’ fears? Fear of not being good enough. Fear of never finding the right person or worst, end up with the wrong person. Fear of being alone, lonely, and unwanted. Fear of getting too old and your biological clock ticking. How do you keep living fully when you are constantly frustrated about not finding ‘The One”? We have a practical solution for you. Learn how to protect yourself from self-doubt - how to eliminate the biggest roadblock to meeting a man - the most important skills you need before getting married - how to show up on your date - how to say no with grace. This is a fun, but very information-packed webinar, so please come prepared to learn.

How would you like to build a lucrative business rebuilding women’s worth? More than ever, the world needs women to lead and restore hope amidst the crisis. At The Woman School, we believe in empowering women’s mindsets and equipping her with practical skills that will create a life of wholeness. There has never been a better time to build a digital business that gives women access to financial freedom and at the same time creates a massive impact on the culture of women. The Woman School’s vision is to rebuild culture one woman’s worth at a time, beginning with your own.

We can't give peace when we are not peaceful.
We can't teach order when we feel chaos inside. We can't teach boundaries when we lack clarity in our boundaries. We can’t preach dreaming when we have given up on our own dreams. We can't expect discipline when we lack harmony in our souls. We cannot give what we do not have. WE MUST FIRST BECOME. Motherhood is a beautiful journey of BECOMING; an act of giving and receiving. We prepare ourselves so we can prepare our children to grow into wholesome adults. It is our DUTY to help shape our children's mindset to receive their God-given mission. This training will help us understand the crisis of today’s culture and what we can do as mothers to practically prepare ourselves to help our children become resilient adults. Without proper preparation, we risk the quality of our children’s lives. This training will help you put language to so many struggles that we are facing simply because of how the world shifted. We owe it to them and to ourselves.

Are you single, stuck and frustrated? Why is dating so much harder today? Isn’t it ironic that being single gives you a lot of freedom and yet, you feel stuck? It is supposed to be the best time of your life and yet the fears are mentally exhausting. Where do you go to deal with your ‘real’ fears? Fear of not being good enough. Fear of never finding the right person or worst, end up with the wrong person. Fear of being alone, lonely, and unwanted. Fear of getting too old and your biological clock ticking. How do you keep living fully when you are constantly frustrated about not finding ‘The One”? We have a practical solution for you. Learn how to protect yourself from self-doubt - how to eliminate the biggest roadblock to meeting a man - the most important skills you need before getting married - how to show up on your date - how to say no with grace. This is a fun, but very information-packed webinar, so please come prepared to learn.

How would you like to build a lucrative business rebuilding women’s worth? More than ever, the world needs women to lead and restore hope amidst the crisis. At The Woman School, we believe in empowering women’s mindsets and equipping her with practical skills that will create a life of wholeness. There has never been a better time to build a digital business that gives women access to financial freedom and at the same time creates a massive impact on the culture of women. The Woman School’s vision is to rebuild culture one woman’s worth at a time, beginning with your own.

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