

Read below to help you understand your results.
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Arena Result

Watch this short video before reading your results below.


Life is hard. You have been depleted for far too long, you can’t seem to break free. You want to please everyone, but you’re never good enough. You have nothing to give. Your day feels overwhelming and you are just trying to get through. You are exhausted, confused and frustrated, but you don’t even know why. You are always anxious and it feels like there is an elephant on your chest. You want HELP, but WHERE? HOW? You feel like a FAILURE. You’ve blamed your past and you BLAME YOURSELF. You feel ASHAMED of who you are. You feel JUDGED and CRITICIZED but, you are your WORST CRITIC. Everyone is telling you what to do, but no one is listening to you. You feel misunderstood, lonely and lost. You are tired of being tired. You can’t go on like this. You just want peace.


Learn more about The Woman School foundational program and how it can help you on the path to wholeness by getting back to your Wholeness Coach who shared this Wholeness Quiz to you. But if you don't have a Wholeness Coach just take the survey below.

  • Ask for help even when you do not want to.
  • Write down exactly how you would want your life to be different in 6 months.
  • Go on a retreat away from your normal environment and give yourself some rest.
  • Find the strength to listen to a motivation video first thing in the morning (7 days in a row).
  • Invest in a GUIDE so you don’t waste your precious time being in the same place.

Disclaimer: Every woman is uniquely different in their struggles. This assessment and description are a representation of parts of where you are in your journey and should not be taken as an absolute.

STUCK (1-3)

You feel like everything is stressful. There is so much to do, but you never have enough time...it’s overwhelming. You’re restless, but you can’t put your finger on it...it’s frustrating. You lack confidence. You don’t like where you are, but you don’t know what you want. You feel inadequate. No one ever paid attention to what you wanted so you are constantly doubting yourself. You struggle with boundaries, you worry about what people think. You compare, you judge, you feel jealous. You have no routine, no goals, no clear plan, no direction and you struggle with simple discipline. It is hard to commit, or make a decision because you FEAR FAILURE. You resist change, you are stuck in the same place year after year. You want help, but WHERE, HOW? You are tired of being tired. You are anxious. You are desperate for peace.


Learn more about The Woman School foundational program and how it can help you on the path to wholeness by getting back to your Wholeness Coach who shared this Wholeness Quiz to you. But if you don't have a Wholeness Coach just take the survey below.

  • Write a list of ‘what you want and do not want to put up with’ in your current state.
  • Write a list of the negative words you use all day and replace them with positive ones.
  • Find new friends that are intentional about growing.
  • Invest in a GUIDE that will put you on the fast track and give you practical tools to manage your day.

Disclaimer: Every woman is uniquely different in their struggles. This assessment and description are a representation of parts of where you are in your journey and should not be taken as an absolute.


You feel a nagging restlessness, something is missing, you are searching but you don’t know where to begin to find it; it is making you anxious. You have no one guiding you, you lack clarity. You are always waiting for the right time. You procrastinate your decisions because you fear failure. You worry about what people think because you don’t want to let them down but you are not free to be you. You appear confident but you feel inadequate inside. You feel undisciplined and unmotivated because you lack clarity and direction. You are tired and unfulfilled. You have no peace. You don’t know that you could design your life, but if you could, you would. You are ready to do what it takes because you refuse to settle. You are desperate for a roadmap; a mentor that will hold you accountable to find what you are desperately looking for. You believe you deserve more.


Learn more about The Woman School foundational program and how it can help you on the path to wholeness by getting back to your Wholeness Coach who shared this Wholeness Quiz to you. But if you don't have a Wholeness Coach just take the survey below.

  • Go on a retreat to help you rediscover what you really want and do not want.
  • Find 3 Role Models of women who are living by design and study them.
  • Invest in a program that will give you practical skills to create rhythm of life.
  • Get a Guide to help you crystalize the dream and strategize how to achieve it.

Disclaimer: Every woman is uniquely different in their struggles. This assessment and description are a representation of parts of where you are in your journey and should not be taken as an absolute.


You have done a lot of internal work so you have earned a level of freedom and achieved great things. You are confident in most parts of the arena, but you have a limiting belief about your ability to achieve your big dream. You don’t know how to achieve it. You are decisive and quick to take action. You choose progress over perfection. You struggle with clarity because you want to accomplish so much and you get impatient with your incremental growth. You desperately need a coach to help you strategize, scale and fast track your goals. Your are busy, driven, disciplined and you refuse to conform. You are motivated by purpose and success. You expect a lot from yourself which causes you to become overwhelmed. You have to constantly refuel and manage your self care in order to sustain your peace. You struggle with small disciplines that protect your harmony. You need leverage in order to expand. You know who you are, but it is who you think you are not that is holding you back. You need a coach.


Learn more about The Woman School foundational program and how it can help you on the path to wholeness by getting back to your Wholeness Coach who shared this Wholeness Quiz to you. But if you don't have a Wholeness Coach just take the survey below.

To learn more about becoming a Woman School Coach.

  • Get a Guide to help you crystalize the dream and strategize how to achieve it.
  • Interview 3 role models of women who are living by design and study them.
  • Find growth friends and a community of people striving for greatness.
  • Invest in a program that will give you practical skills to create rhythm of life.
  • Consider exploring our Strategist opportunity so you can mentor other women.

Disclaimer: Every woman is uniquely different in their struggles. This assessment and description are a representation of parts of where you are in your journey and should not be taken as an absolute.

WHOLE (10)

Congratulations on achieving this level! You have intentionally designed a beautiful life of contribution and generosity. YOU ARE ON A MISSION TO CHANGE THE WORLD AND YOU WILL. Your are grateful, compassionate, brave, focused, intuitive, and disciplined. You are motivated by a call to create impact. You believe it is your duty to become the best version of you. You are a humble student and you thrive when you are growing and learning. You face your critics with grace and kindness. You rise above your own fear and discomfort with ease and resilience. You do not doubt your worth. You are wise and women admire you. Your presence heals, it is inviting. You create an impact with every encounter and you do not waste any opportunity to point towards the divine. Your life is a light of contribution. Your beauty is unchanging. You are generous beyond measure. You give because you can. You are WHOLE.


Learn more about The Woman School foundational program and how it can help you on the path to wholeness by getting back to your Wholeness Coach who shared this Wholeness Quiz to you. But if you don't have a Wholeness Coach just take the survey below.

To learn more about becoming a Woman School Coach.

  • Honor your journey and hard work getting to this level.
  • Keep surrounding yourself with growth minded people and high performers.
  • Know that you still have so much more to give and serve the world with.
  • Keep studying, learning, and pushing yourself to greater serve humanity.
  • Invest in a Private Coach that keeps pushing you to higher levels so you can uncover the greatness that truly lies within.
  • Consider exploring our Strategist opportunity so you can mentor other women.

Disclaimer: Every woman is uniquely different in their struggles. This assessment and description are a representation of parts of where you are in your journey and should not be taken as an absolute.


STUCK (1-3)



WHOLE (10)

**Greatness Journey LLC, The Woman School and/or it’s members are not psychologists or psychiatrists. Content provided is for self-development purposes and does not take the place of professional advice. No liability is assumed for losses or damages resulting from the clients personal application. You are accountable for your own actions and choices. Feel free to contact us with any specific questions regarding this disclaimer.**